Full-time Hardware Engineering Roles

Full-time Hardware Engineering Roles

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21 roles

Neuralink is developing ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers.


Anduril builds cutting-edge hardware and software products that solve complex national security challenges for America and its allies.


Astranis is a developer of a new satellite technology that aims to transmit data down to specific terrestrial locations with each satellite it launches.


Nectar develops an IoT solution for the hospitality and consumer packaged goods industries.

Bowery Farming

Bowery is the modern farming company growing the purest produce imaginable.


SpinLaunch is building a revolutionary kinetic space launch system.


Manufactures advanced electric propulsion systems for commercial aviation.


Ciena is a networking systems, services, and software company.


Zoox is transforming mobility-as-a-service by developing a fully autonomous, purpose-built fleet designed for AI to drive and humans to enjoy.

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